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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful)


By the term ‘Nativeland’ we mean the country where born and brought up, the place which gives us light and air for our life and also gives us fruits, grains and water for the nutrition of our body. We also call such a place our place of birth or motherland.

Love for this motherland is inherent in human beings. Love and fascination for this land spring from one’s heart. If a man is compelled to go to another land, he cannot forget this love for this nativeland. This love and fascination for the land of birth, the motherland, the place where someone played during his/her childhood, is called ‘patriotism’. The soil, the light, the air, the sky, the weather and the variety of seasons and natural beauty of one’s country way and overwhelm one’s heart.

The Prophets (A), sins and intellectuals had also patriotic feelings. Our beloved Prophet (Sm) was compelled to leave Makka due to the tortue of the Kafirs. While he was leaving, he was looking behind at Makka and Ka’ba ahain and again. He uttered remorsefully, “Makka, my beloved land of birth, how beautiful you are! I love you very much. If the people of my own tribe did not plit against me, I would never leave you.”

Having love and attraction for one’s own country is part of Iman. It is said: “Patriotism is part of Iman.” In the Hadith, it is said; Those who spend sleepless nights keeping watch at the boarder to defend their country will be traitors and their character is contemptible.

If the country is not secured, religion cannot be exercised freely and there will be no security for the life of the citizens. There interest also cannot be preserved.


Unknown said...

Our beloved Prophet (Sm) was compelled to leave Makka due to the tortue of the Kafirs. While he was leaving, he was looking behind at Makka and Ka’ba ahain and again. He uttered remorsefully, “Makka, my beloved land of birth, how beautiful you are! I love you very much. If the people of my own tribe did not plit against me, I would never leave you.”

...................sources please.