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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful)

The entire Quran was written during the life time of the Prophet (Sm) under his direct supervision. But it was all scattered then. During the period of the first caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar (R) on the 12th Hijri, a bloody njiha’d took place in a place named Yamama. Seventy Hafiz-e-Quran were martyred in this jiha’d. hazrat Umar (R) worried at this. He said to caliph Abu Bakr (R): “there is a risk of losing the major part of the Holy Quran if the Hafiz-e-Quran are martyred in different jiha’ds in this way. So please arrange for the compilation of the Quran Mazid. “In reply, Abu Bakr (R) asked Hazrat Umar (R) :” Umar how can you do such work that he holy prophet (Sm) of Allah did not do ? ”then Umar (R) replied” “By Allah, there is good in it “At last, Abu Bakr (R) gave this great responsibility to Zaid Ibna (R), the writer of the Ohee (message revelation). He wrote the Holy Quran on in the from of a book from different manuscripts written during the life of time of the holy prophet (Sm). It took about one year. This book was kept under the supervision of Abfu Bakr (R). after his death the was in the care of Hazrat Umar (R). after his Shahadat (martyrdokm), according to his will, the copy of the Quran was kept with his daughter Bibi Hafsa (R), the wife of the holy prophet (Sm).

The Islamic cmpire was largely extended during the period of the third Caliph Hazrat Usman (R). different nations and speakers of different languages embraced Islam in groups because of the spread of Islam. Many of them could not pronounce certain words of the followers of one reading methoid regarded the followers of other reading methods as wrong readers. Especially Huzaifa (R), a distinguished follower (Sahabi), saw the difference in the reading style of the Holy Quran among the muslims who informed the third Caliph Hazrat Usman (R), of the matter. The caliph immediately distinguished Shahabis to prepare a documentary edition of the Quran. These four Sahabis were Zaide-Ibn-Haris (R).

This initiative of Hazrat Usman (R) was taken in Hijri 24. this board prepared seven true copies of the Quran from the copy preserved with Bibi Hafsa (R). Each of the copies, they used to listen to the recitation of different Hafizes. For this reason, the entire Muslim world accepted these copies as unfaulty. The original copy was returned to Hazrat Hafsa (R). one of the prepared copies was preserved in the centre with the caliph and the rest of copies were sent to different administrative centres, so that there could be no anomaly in the recitation of the Holy Quran. Afterwards, the there copies preserved in the scattered way were collected from all and destroyed, thus the Holy Quran was xollected under the direct supervition of third Caliph of Islam Hazrat Usman (R).For this novel deed of the caliph, he is called ‘jamiul’ Quran or the compiler of the Quran.

This compilation of the Quran did not bring any change in the order (serial) of Ayats and Suras done by the great Prophet (Sm) as per the instruction of Allah. That is because maintaining the order (serial) of the Ayats is Wajib. When Hazrit jibrial (A) brought any part of Quran to the Prophet (Sm), he told the Prophet (Sm) in which place of a Sura the part should be incorporated. Then the Prophet (Sm) called upon and directed the Sahabis (the followers) who used to write the messages to incorporate the revealed part in the proper place of the Sura. In the same way, the order (serial) of the Suras were also decided by Allah. At present the Suras of the Holy Quran are arranged in the sane order as they are preserved in Lauhe Mahfuz.

There were no ‘Harkats’ or symbols of voice in the Holy Quran at that time. As a result, the non-arabian Muslims later faced difficulties in reciting the Holy Quran. Then Hajjaj-Ibna-Yousuf, the Iraqi ruler of the Umayyads arranged for the addition of ‘hakats’ to the Quran and solved this problem.