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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful)

Famous vision scientist Hasan Ibn Haism wrote more than one hundred books on vision science, philosophy, astronomy, medical, mathematics etc. the fundamental book on the vision science called ‘Kitabul Manazir’, made him immortal in the history of the world. As that was the only book on optics, the researchers on this subjects like Roger Becon.

Ibn Haisam disproved the conception of the Greeks about vision and its refraction and reflection. He proved that: “Light is reflected in our eyes from the external objects, and not the light coming out of our eyes, makes external objects visible”. It was he who invented the magnifying glass. Though the modern scientists claim kinetics as their monopolistic right, Ibn Haisam discussed it in detail long before them. He discussed in his books the weight of the matter that various due to the variation of weight and pressure of atmosphere, and various due to the variation of weight and pressure of atmosphere, and he also discussed the force of gravitation. Though Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is regarded the force of gravitation, there is no doubt that Ibn Haisam was its first inventor.